“Up in heaven, there is a paradise,down to the earth, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou.” Hangzhou won the fame because of the west lake. And the west lake was listed as the world cultural heritage site by UNSECO in 2014. And I can use 1, 2, 3, and 4 to describe the lake. One stands for the only west lake. Two stands for two pagodas, Baochu pagoda and Leifeng pagoda. Three stands for three causeways, Su causeway, Bai causeway and Yang causeway. Four stands for four islands, Three ponds mirroring the moon, Mid-lake island, Ruangong island and Solitary island. The top 10 scenic spot of west lake including four seasons, that is to say, whenever you come to the west lake, it always ready to see you.

Lingyin Temple
Nothing More